14: Reindeer Olympics
This bit was added after Part 1 was completed because it’s reused in Part 2.
do_part <- function(dt) {
dt |>
uncount(speed, .remove = FALSE, .id = "distance") |>
filter(distance <= flight_time) |>
mutate(total_time = flight_time + rest_time) |>
uncount(total_time, .id = "total_time") |>
filter(distance == 1) |>
mutate(distance = ifelse(total_time <= flight_time, speed, 0)) |>
id_cols = total_time,
names_from = reindeer,
values_from = distance
) |>
"total_time" = rep(NA_integer_, sec - max(dt$flight_time + dt$rest_time))
)) |>
total_time = row_number(),
\(x) {
len_x <- length(x)
x <- na.omit(x)
rep(x, ceiling(sec / length(x)))[1:sec]
Part 1
This was super annoying. My first version of my .qmd
file was corrupted somehow so I could only run anything once after restarting RStudio. I thought it was because I had just updated to R 4.3 but deleting the old file and pasting everything into a new one seems to have fixed it.
Anyways, easy enough. Just a little annoying to get the vector recycling to line up how I wanted it to.
Part 2
This looks simple enough to change Part 1.
I ended up not changing the parts I thought I would
dt |>
do_part() |>
cols = -total_time,
names_to = "reindeer",
values_to = "distance"
) |>
arrange(reindeer, total_time) |>
mutate(total_distance = cumsum(distance), .by = reindeer) |>
points = ifelse(total_distance == max(total_distance), 1, 0),
.by = total_time
) |>
mutate(total_points = cumsum(points), .by = reindeer) |>
filter(total_time == sec) |>
pull(total_points) |>
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