dt <- readLines("input.txt")
This doesn’t look too bad. Dealing with R’s \\
nonsense is going to be a pain.
Part 1
Getting the regex right was the worst part, just like I thought. \\
is the worst part about R.
literal_length <-
dt |>
nchar() |>
memory_length <-
dt |>
str_sub(start = 2) |>
str_sub(end = -2) |>
str_replace_all('\\\\x[0-9a-f]{2}', ' ') |>
str_replace_all('\\\\\\"', ' ') |>
str_replace_all('\\\\\\\\', ' ') |>
nchar() |>
literal_length - memory_length
Part 2
Turns out R also auto-converts double spaces to tabs so to get two characters, you need three spaces…
total_length <-
dt |>
str_escape() |>
str_replace_all('^"|"$', ' ') |>
str_replace_all('\\\\x[0-9a-f]{2}', ' ') |>
str_replace_all('\\\\\\"', ' ') |>
str_replace_all('\\\\', ' ') |>
nchar() |>
total_length - literal_length