shop <-
c(0, which(readLines("item_shop.txt") == "")) |>
map(\(sk) {
dt <-
fread("item_shop.txt", skip = sk) |>
t() |> |>
janitor::row_to_names(1) |>
as.list() |>
map(\(x) {
x <- as.numeric(x)
if (length(x) == 3) {
names(x) <- c("cost", "damage", "armor")
} else {
names(x) <- c("modifier", "cost", "damage", "armor")
}) |>
`names<-`(c("weapons", "armor", "rings"))
boss <-
readLines("input.txt") |>
str_split(": ") |>
map(\(x) {
y <- as.numeric(x[2])
names(y) <- x[1]
}) |>
unlist(recursive = FALSE) |>
`names<-`(c("hp", "damage", "armor"))
21: RPG Simulator 20XX
Part 1
Ughhh. Not that difficult but I swapped the order of who goes first in my brain then suffered for a long time.
combinations <- function(shop, n) {
n |>
map(\(n) {
if (n == 0) return(list("V0" = 0))
shop |>
length() |>
combn(n) |> |>
}) |>
unlist(recursive = FALSE)
weapons <- combinations(shop$weapons, 1)
armor <- combinations(shop$armor, 0:1)
rings <- combinations(shop$rings, 0:2)
"w" = seq_along(weapons),
"a" = seq_along(armor),
"r" = seq_along(rings)
pmap(\(w, a, r) {
w <- as.list(shop$weapons[[weapons[[w]]]])
a <- if (armor[[a]] == 0) list("cost" = 0, "armor" = 0) else as.list(shop$armor[[armor[[a]]]])
r <- if (any(rings[[r]] == 0)) list(list("modifier" = 0, "cost" = 0, "damage" = 0, "armor" = 0)) else map(rings[[r]], ~ as.list(shop$rings[[.x]]))
damage <- w$damage + sum(map_dbl(r, ~ .x$damage), na.rm = TRUE)
armor <- a$armor + sum(map_dbl(r, ~ .x$armor), na.rm = TRUE)
hp <- 100
boss_hp <- boss$hp
repeat {
my_damage <- damage - boss$armor
boss_hp <- if (my_damage <= 0) { boss_hp - 1 } else { boss_hp - my_damage }
if (boss_hp <= 0) { break }
boss_damage <- boss$damage - armor
hp <- if (boss_damage <= 0) { hp - 1 } else { hp - boss_damage }
if (hp <= 0) { break }
if (hp > 0 & boss_hp <= 0) {
return(w$cost + a$cost + sum(map_int(r, ~ .x$cost)))
} else {
}) |>
unlist() |>
min(na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 78
Part 2
Classic Advent. smh. But super easy.
"w" = seq_along(weapons),
"a" = seq_along(armor),
"r" = seq_along(rings)
pmap(\(w, a, r) {
w <- as.list(shop$weapons[[weapons[[w]]]])
a <- if (armor[[a]] == 0) list("cost" = 0, "armor" = 0) else as.list(shop$armor[[armor[[a]]]])
r <- if (any(rings[[r]] == 0)) list(list("modifier" = 0, "cost" = 0, "damage" = 0, "armor" = 0)) else map(rings[[r]], ~ as.list(shop$rings[[.x]]))
damage <- w$damage + sum(map_dbl(r, ~ .x$damage), na.rm = TRUE)
armor <- a$armor + sum(map_dbl(r, ~ .x$armor), na.rm = TRUE)
hp <- 100
boss_hp <- boss$hp
repeat {
my_damage <- damage - boss$armor
boss_hp <- if (my_damage <= 0) { boss_hp - 1 } else { boss_hp - my_damage }
if (boss_hp <= 0) { break }
boss_damage <- boss$damage - armor
hp <- if (boss_damage <= 0) { hp - 1 } else { hp - boss_damage }
if (hp <= 0) { break }
if (hp <= 0 & boss_hp > 0) {
return(w$cost + a$cost + sum(map_int(r, ~ .x$cost)))
} else {
}) |>
unlist() |>
max(na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 148