2022-25: Full of Hot Air
This doesn’t look too terrible. The numbering system is weird, but I can work with it. It seems too easy for Day 25.
Part 1
I was able to get Bob’s number pretty quickly. Then I realized I hadn’t fully read the question and I had to translate Bob’s number back into SNAFU. I had a few ideas on how to do it, but really struggled for some reason. I tried a recursive method first, but quickly hit C stack limits and couldn’t quite wrap my mind around how to brute-force it. I did realize that I could jump start the guessing by finding the smallest number greater than Bob’s that’s made entirely out of 2
s. By starting there, I could subtract towards my goal, rather than trying to add, which would have been much more difficult. It was then just a matter of getting the code straight in my head, and using the un_snafu
function to check my values every cycle.
un_snafu <- function(x) {
x <-
x |>
str_split_1("") |>
x <- case_when(
x == "-" ~ -1,
x == "=" ~ -2,
TRUE ~ as.numeric(x)
sum((5 ^ (0:(length(x)-1))) * x)
bob <-
dt |>
sapply(un_snafu) |>
suppressWarnings() |>
subtract <- function(x) {
x == "2" ~ "1",
x == "1" ~ "0",
x == "0" ~ "-",
x == "-" ~ "="
max_places <-
sapply(1:100, \(x) paste0(rep("2", x), collapse = "")) |>
x <- names(which(max_places > bob)[1])
place <- 1
repeat {
x2 <- x
s <- substr(x2, place, place)
if (s != "=") { substr(x2, place, place) <- subtract(s) }
else { place <- place + 1 }
u <- un_snafu(x2)
if (u > bob) { x <- x2 }
else if (u < bob) { place <- place + 1 }
else { print(x2); break }
} |>
[1] "2-02===-21---2002==0"
Part 2
This puzzle does not unlock until you have completed the rest of the year. I’ll be back one day…