07: Camel Cards
Part 1
This wasn’t too bad, but I originally used a dplyr::case_when
instead of my if...else
chain and because dplyr::case_when
is vectorized, that wouldn’t work. However, when I swapped to my if...else
chain, I accidentally marked three of a kind as the same value as a full house. Quite annoying, but an easy fix.
rank <- c('A', 'K', 'Q', 'J', 'T', 9:2) |> rev()
dt |>
'.nest' = purrr::map(.data$cards, \(x) {
# x <- 'QJJQ2'
h <-
x |>
stringr::str_split_1('') |>
table() |>
sort(decreasing = TRUE)
hand <-
if (length(h) == 1 && all(h %in% 5)) 7
else if (length(h) == 2 && all(h %in% c(4, 1))) 6
else if (length(h) == 2 && all(h %in% c(3, 2))) 5
else if (length(h) == 3 && max(h) == 3) 4
else if (length(h[h == 2]) == 2 && max(h) == 2) 3
else if (length(h[h == 2]) == 1 && max(h) == 2) 2
else 1
high <-
x |>
stringr::str_split_1('') |>
purrr::map_int(\(y) which(rank == y)) |>
stringr::str_pad(2, pad = '0') |>
paste0(collapse = '') |>
list('hand' = hand, 'high' = high)
) |>
tidyr::unnest_wider('.nest') |>
dplyr::arrange(.data$hand, .data$high) |>
dplyr::mutate('bid' = as.integer(.data$bet) * dplyr::row_number()) |>
dplyr::pull(.data$bid) |>
[1] 250120186
Part 2
This took longer than it should’ve. I had the concept down quick, but was assigning the Joker
to the highest available card rather than the card with the most occurrences. This is quickly apparent with the example KTJJT
which with my original method would’ve become KTKKT
, a full house, instead of KTTTT
, four of a kind.
rank <- c('A', 'K', 'Q', 'T', 9:2, 'J') |> rev()
dt |>
'.nest' = purrr::map(.data$cards, \(x) {
# x <- 'KTJJT'
x <- stringr::str_split_1(x, '')
h <-
x |>
table() |>
sort(decreasing = TRUE)
if (any(names(h) == 'J') & !all(names(h) == 'J')) {
r <- which(rank == names(h[names(h) != 'J'])[1])
h[rank[r]] <- h[rank[r]] + h['J']
} else if (length(h) == 1 & all(names(h) == 'J')) {
h <- c('A' = 5)
h <- h[names(h) != 'J']
hand <- {
if (length(h) == 1 && all(h %in% 5)) 7
else if (length(h) == 2 && all(h %in% c(4, 1))) 6
else if (length(h) == 2 && all(h %in% c(3, 2))) 5
else if (length(h) == 3 && max(h) == 3) 4
else if (length(h[h == 2]) == 2 && max(h) == 2) 3
else if (length(h[h == 2]) == 1 && max(h) == 2) 2
else 1
high <-
x |>
purrr::map_int(\(y) which(rank == y)) |>
stringr::str_pad(2, pad = '0') |>
paste0(collapse = '') |>
list('hand' = hand, 'high' = high)
) |>
tidyr::unnest_wider('.nest') |>
dplyr::arrange(.data$hand, .data$high) |>
dplyr::mutate('bid' = as.integer(.data$bet) * dplyr::row_number()) |>
dplyr::pull(.data$bid) |>
[1] 250665248