2022-20: Grove Positioning System
This looks too good to be true!
Part 1
Pretty straightforward, all things considered. Getting vectors to wrap is always a pain. I also missed the bit about the numbers being after zero, but a quick which
took care of that.
pos <- 1:length(dt)
shift <- function(pos, x, shift) {
if (x == 0) { return(pos) }
p <- which(pos == x)
pos <- pos[-p]
after <- (p - 1 + shift) %% length(pos)
after <- ifelse(after == 0, length(pos), after)
append(pos, x, after = after)
for(i in 1:length(dt)) { pos <- shift(pos, i, dt[i]) }
get_sum <- function(dt, pos) {
zero <- which(dt[pos] == 0)
sapply(c(1e3, 2e3, 3e3), \(x) {
x <- (x + zero) %% length(pos)
x <- ifelse(x == 0, length(pos), x)
}) |>
get_sum(dt, pos)
[1] 4151
Part 2
Basically the same as Part 1. I was blessed with no integer overflows so that’s nice. Just multiply the vector by a constant, nest the for loop, then get the sum using the function from Part 1.